e-paperless practice v2.01 |
E-Paperless Practice provides an integrated Medical
Office Management Solution designed to automate the way
you practice medicine today. |
e-paperless scheduling |
E-Paperless scheduling allows the user to create patient
appointments with an ease click. |
e-paperless patient accounting v7.0.2 |
E-paperless accounting works perfectly with the rest of
the software package, thus allowing the billing process
to work virtually effortless. |
e-paperless emr v2.01 |
E-paperless EMR allows the practice to scan in their
original paper charts and maintain the electronic chart
in a computer database. |
e-paperless ERA auto posting |
E-paperless ERA Auto posting allows the practice to
electronically post, according to patients’ ID, the date
of services and other standards, the EOBs to the patient
billing data. |
e-paperless remote Access |
Remote office is created for doctors who are on the
going,... |
practice easy chart v2.0.6 |
Easy chart v2.0.6 allows easy and instant access to
patient charts. |
e-paperless ERA auto posting |
aaa |
E-paperless ERA Auto posting
allows the practice to
electronically post, according
to patients’ ID, the date of
services and other standards,
the EOBs to the patient billing
data. That enables the practice
to generate instantly a balance
sheet for each patient.. It is
accurate. By installing
e-paperless practice ERA
Auto-posting in your billing
software, the practice will save
hours of labor, and be free of
human errors. |