In a
region filled with historic landmarks and wondrous beauty, one of
the true |
treasures of Southwest Florida may be Klaus Strubel. A
painter who strives to continue |
the traditions of the Old Masters of the 19th Century, Strubel
is enjoying an ever- |
increasing nationwide respect and appreciation for his work. |
Strubel is an eloquent spokesman for realism, faithfully
reproducing the gifts of |
nature he beholds around him. His landscapes and
seascapes invoke a mood of |
tranquility and are striking in their use of values, perspective
and vivid colors. The |
precision of Strubel's brushwork shows a striking attention to
detail. |
Born in Lampertheim, Germany, where he operated his own gallery
for almost |
20 years, Strubel and his wife Veronika moved to Florida in
1996 after visiting and |
falling in love with the area. There they established
Klaus Strubel's Fine Art Atelier, Inc. |
Strubel has received numerous awards and has been included in the
Encyclo- |
pedia of Europe's "Who is Who in Arts". His oils and
watercolors are found in many |
private collections in the United States and Europe. |