Harris County選務辦公室選後聲明...


Harris County選務辦公室選後聲明。

Harris County選務辦公室選後聲明...

(Harris County選務辦公室聲明)

整體而言,在Harris County,我們看到超過100萬登記選民在我們的 99 個提前投票地點和 782 個選舉日地點投票。目前,我們的主要重點是繼續處理結果,以便我們可以發布我們的初步結果。我們知道一些地點沒有按時開放,並且一些地點提交了額外選票的請求。由於問題在選舉日出現,我們從早上 5  30 分開始盡快解決這些問題,當時我們為選舉工作人員開通了技術支持熱線,並將我們的技術人員派往現場,一直到最後投票結束。完成製表後,我們將在未來幾天審查所有問題並進行運營評估,並確定需要調整改善的地方。雖然沒有選舉是完美無缺的,但我們努力適應環境以提供無縫的投票體驗。我們將繼續自我審查評估並完善整個投票過程。


Statement from Elections Administrator on Election Day Operations

“Overall in Harris County, we saw over a million registered voters cast a ballot at our 99 early voting locations and 782 Election Day locations. Currently, our primary focus is to continue to process results so we can publish our preliminary results. We are aware that some locations did not open on time and that some locations submitted requests for additional ballot paper. As the issues arose on Election Day, we addressed them as quickly as possible, from 5:30 a.m., when we opened the tech support lines for election workers and dispatched our technicians into the field, all the way to the closing of the final polling location. Once we complete tabulation, we will review all of the issues and conduct assessments of operations in the coming days, and determine where adjustments and resources are needed. While no election runs flawlessly, we strive to adapt to the circumstances to provide for a seamless voting experience. We look forward to reviewing our assessments and improving upon the process.”









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