Cancer: The Crab |
(June 22 – July 22) |
Sensitive; emotional;
protective; moody; imaginative; loving |
Moon |
Feminine |
Water |
Alimentary canal,
breasts, chest |
Algeria, Holland, New Zealand, North Africa, Paraguay,
Scotland, West Africa |
Algiers, Amsterdam, Berne, Cadiz, Genoa, Istanbul,
Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, Stockholm,
Tunis, Venice, York |
Pearl |
Pale blue, silver, smoky
gray |
All trees, especially
those richest in sap |
Acanthus, convolvulus, geranium, honeysuckle, lilies,
saxifrage, water lilies, white poppy, white rose |
Fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such
as cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, melon, mushroom,
pumpkin, turnip |
The Person |
(but often crabby), imaginatively creative and
artistically gifted (but often obsessed with the minutiae
of home and past), Cancerians are among the most
challenging of the zodiac children to get to know. Like
the crab that symbolizes their sign, they often present a
hard, crusty, even impenetrable exterior to the world, and
can appear withdrawn, cool, and reserved. Beneath the
shell, however, lies an emotional and sensitive soul with
great reserves of compassion and intuition. Like the crab,
Cancerians are also tenacious and protective of their home
turf and make for fiercely protective and loyal parents
and friends.
extraordinary imagination is often at the root of your
moodiness and defensiveness. The Cancerian imagination is
generously vivid and colorful – and it can be one of your
greatest assets when used positively. Used negatively,
however, it can turn sour and encourage you to worry –
often irrationally – about anyone and anything. And that
tendency can be an enormous liability. |
Love |
are security- conscious people. Having a special person to
love provides the emotional stability you need to function
at your best.
rules your romantic relationships through passionate
Scorpio. Since yours is a water sign and Scorpio is too,
sharing feelings with a lover who understands you is very
important. That is not to say that you like to spend all
your dates sitting up late talking about emotions. Sexy
Scorpio energy makes the physical side of love vital as
will. but Cancer and Scorpio are possessive. You tend to
become emotionally dependent on your honey and often
attract admirers who are the jealous, demanding sort.
Remember, there is a difference between belonging with
someone, which is not.
Do not
expect your companion to fulfill all your needs, and do
not try to become the only important person in his or her
life. That is not romance – it is obsession. No matter how
smitten you are with your beloved, continue to maintain
close ties with your family and friends. Keep plenty of
outside interests and enjoy an occasional evening out with
Maintaining some independence allows you to base your
self-esteem on who you are and what you do, not just who
you date. And if your relationship doesn’t go the
distance, you will have a strong support system that can
help you bounce back and, when the time is right, find
someone new.
Difficulties also may occur when your delight in caring
for your lover creates a claustrophobic atmosphere.
Indeed, any low-level tension in your life may explode in
the bedroom, since you simply can’t leave your overactive
imagination and tendency to worry at the bedroom! |
Career |
If you
are a typical Crab, you are more comfortable behind the
scenes than you are in the glare of the workplace
spotlight. You do not even mind if some of the credit for
your efforts goes to others, as long as you are earning a
decent living and making a meaningful contribution to your
field. Still, with Mars ruling your career through
assertive Aries, you are likely to take a leadership role
at some point.
It is
precisely because you do not identify too closely with
your job that you make a fine leader in the workplace.
While you have a strong work ethic, you also believe in
balancing work with play. You try to make every moment
count on the job, but avoid letting your work follow you
home. This inspires the same healthy attitude in the
people you supervise and guide.
Empathetic nature could lead to a rewarding career in
nursing, social work or counseling. Your sign is
associated with parenting and early childhood, so you
could enjoy teaching, making toys or any job that involves
hospitality industry is another field worth considering.
You’d make a fine chef or restaurant or hotel manager. And
although you are the live-and-let-live type, if Mars’
energy is particularly strong in your chart, you’d also
excel as a soldier or police officer.
Since you
like to control as many areas of your life as possible,
you might decide to go into business for yourself. Before
you take this step, though, ask yourself if the feeling
your own boss is worth giving up the security of regular
paychecks, vacations and benefits. You may think like an
entrepreneur, but many Crabs would rather keep working for
bosses and let them handle the big headaches of being in
business. |
Money |
at spotting moneymaking opportunities, most members of
your sign usually start on the path to financial security
early in life. Even in the teens and 20’s when most young
people are dreaming of the next car, outfit or night on
the town, the Crab in saving for the future.
The moon
gives you an appreciation for material security. The Sun,
ruler of your money sign, Leo, makes you lucky in
speculation. If you invest in traditional ways – insured
savings, an employer-sponsored retirement fund and real
estate – and also keep an eye open for investment
opportunities, you might become well off someday. Cancer
is the sign of people who make their own fortunes. The.
Sun rules the Zodiac’s 5th House of gambling
and personal 5th House, rules big business and
the stock market. Calculated risk can pay off for you, so
you may want to put a little extra cash into stocks and
Investments that can be profitable for you include your
metal, silver, gold and stocks linked to home building,
the hospitality industry, solar energy, sunscreens and
partnerships have their ups and downs for Cancer since
Uranus, the master of surprises, rules these through
Aquarius. But join ventures with friends can pay off. Just
make sure you put everything in writing first. That way
your financial relationship won’t strain your social one. |
Health, Diet, and
Exercise |
You are
pretty tough, and worry is the only thing that can upset
your system – if you let it! Cancerians are more prone to
worry than people of any other Sun sign. In fact, even
before you realize you are worried about something,
stomach upsets and general moodiness will announce the
So try to
watch it. No doubt you have heard – once too often – a
friend or lover say, “For goodness sakes, pull yourself
together and stop worrying! This advice, as you know too
well, simply doesn’t work. But realizing how prone you are
to worry – often irrationally so – is the beginning of
learning how to solve the problem very sound, will also
There is
absolutely no connection between the Sun-sign Cancer and
the disease of that name. You are no more prone to cancer
than anyone else. Nevertheless, it is better to be safe
than sorry. The Cancerian body area is the chest, and the
sign also rules the breasts. It is especially important,
therefore, that Cancerian women check their breasts
regularly. The Moon, Cancer’s ruling planet, is associated
with the alimentary system: The esophagus; stomach;
gallbladder; bile dusts; pancreas; and intestines. |
Leisure and Retirement |
shouldn’t have any difficulty developing ideas for leisure
activities. Above all, don’t limit yourself and do be
adventurous: the world’s your oyster! As we have already
pointed out, Cancerians are the champion hoarders of the
zodiac, and one obvious hobby you are likely to embrace is
being a collector of some kind. You sill not only find
this compulsively interesting and time consuming, but your
collection – of stamps, coins, dolls, or antique kitchen
tools, to name just a few examples – may turn out to be
extremely profitable.
women are often superb craft workers and especially good
at sewing. Men, too, may enjoy petit point or embroidery.
These kinds of activities often appeal to side of
Cancerians that enjoys peaceful, quiet periods. So
fishing, too, is very attractive to members of this water
sign. And though a Cancerian might find working in the
kitchen of a restaurant a little too noisy and
provocative, working in your own kitchen is an entirely
different matter. A course in Cordon Bleu cooking could
the start of a hobby that will please your friends as much
as it will delight you.
if you start your collection when you are still working,
by the time you retire you may be able to sell it at a
huge profit – and start a brand new, and more lucrative,
collection! You will find you not only enjoy searching for
and acquiring objects, becoming an expert in the area –
whatever it is. |