Leo: The lion |
(July 23 – August
23) |
Creative, impressive,
powerful, dictatorial |
Sun |
Masculine |
Fire |
Fixed |
Heart, spine, and back |
Czechoslovakia, Italy, Lebanon, Romania, Sicily,
Southern Iraq, South of France |
Bombay, Bristol, Chicago, Damascus, Los Angeles,
Madrid, Philadelphia, Portsmouth, Prague, Rome,
Syracuse |
Ruby |
The color of the Sun,
from dawn to dusk |
Bay, citrus, olive,
palm, walnut |
Almond, celandine, helianthus, juniper, laurel,
marigold, mistletoe, passion flower, peppermint,
pimpernel, rosemary, rue, saffron, sunflower |
Meat, vegetables with a
high iron content |
The Person |
majestic and impressive as the Lion that represents their
sign, Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac.
Radiantly enthusiastic, magnanimous with their charm and
gifts, and fiercely proud and confident, Leos love and
live life to the fullest and expect, indeed need, to be at
the helm at home, work, and creative – there are many Leos
among the actors of the world – Leos hate small-mindedness
and nit-picking. But they themselves are occasionally
stubborn, autocratic, and dogmatic.
The major
Leo fault is believing that "you know best.” Well, of
course you do. But it is not always a good idea to insist
on it. And you do tend to feel that you should be in
charge not only of your own life but of everybody else’s.
Love |
Every day
is Valentine’s Day for romantic Leo. Yours is the sign of
the heart, and once you find your ideal lover, you want to
e with him or her night and day. Lions usually take women
detours before finding true love. With Jupiter guiding
your romances through Sagittarius, the sign of the hunter,
it is easy to get caught up in the thrill of the chase.
You may flirt your way through much casual relationship
before you realize that you really want true love.
Your most
charming trait as a sweetheart is your way of being
totally there for your companion. You shower your honey
with attention; as of you were the only two people on
Earth. But Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and you may
direct the same flattering attention to someone else the
next day.
It is
okay to play the field until you fall in love, but it is
not fair to string anyone along. If your honey is looking
for an exclusive relationship while all you want is a good
time, neither of you will be happy for long. Be honest
with your sweetie so you can each move on to someone who
is more your type. At some point you will need to choose
between quantity and quality. The more secure you become
with your own emotions, the more likely you are to find
happiness with one special person.
Just as
you will spend more than you can afford on your loved one,
you will also tend to go over the top emotionally. This
needs a little watching, especially in the early days of a
relationship. You don’t want to scare him or her off! But
it is important to remember in love that you are a couple
– not just one person with another loosely attached
appendage (him or her!) sharing is what a relationship’s
all about. It is definitely not about your deciding – for
the both of you – what to do and how to feel! |
Career |
You are
able to make a favorable impression on influential people
without even trying. It is a wonderful time to revitalize
your career. Venus brings good fortune to your work life,
which it rules through the fixed earth sign Taurus. It
magnifies the power of your personality, boosts your
income, and helps you advertise your product, service or
skills, or launch a home-based business.
Lions can excel in many fields, including the performing
arts, publishing, fashion, construction, banking succeed
at producing a play or managing an art gallery. In
interviews, you will probably need to rein in your
larger-than-life personality to avoid coming on too
strong. If you are well qualified for a job, it is natural
to want to talk about your skills. But most bosses are
looking for employees who know how to listen carefully and
take instructions well.
respectfully to everything your interviewer has to say and
answer his or her questions to the best of your ability.
Then, be ready with a few follow-up inquiries that show
you under-stood the points the employer thought were most
important. Once you have the job, your competence can
speak for itself.
you are hired to do; you will do a better job of it if you
are a team player. Since Leo is a fixed sign, you are
likely to have definite opinions about everything that
goes on. But that doesn’t mean you have to force them on
others. Guard against stubbornness. Instead of insisting
on your own way, ask your co-workers what they think would
be the best way to approach the task at hand.
When you
do end up in charge of other people, you will expect them
to follow your own high work standards, and you may become
rather impatient when they fail to measure up. You will
have to learn to be tolerant of these lesser human beings! |
Money |
planets give you a good mix of luck and common sense to
help your fortune grow. Many Leos have the Midas touch –
almost everything they tough turns to gold. Even Lions
whose luck is less spectacular have the ability to make a
comfortable living and finance an equally comfortable
retirement. There’s no doubt that Leo would rather splurge
than save. But with Mercury guiding your finances through
frugal Virgo, you have the discipline to make short-term
sacrifices in order to realized long-term gains.
Bargain-hunting Virgo may seem to have little in common
with regal Leo, but the two complements each other well.
rules your joint ventures through Pisces. Since Mercury
rules your friendship sign, Gemini, as well as Virgo, you
are able to mix business with pleasure. Pisces is the sign
of imagination and inspiration, so you and your buddies
can have some pretty far-fetched dreams. But if their
skills and experience complement yours, you could get rich
You are
at your best inverting for the long term once your
immediate needs are met. Choose Leo-friendly stocks such
as solar power and products associated with sun, like
swimsuits and suntan lotion. Or dabble in gold and metal
investments. Virgo’s influence suggests other
possibilities, like broadcasting, publishing and pet
services. |
Health, Diet, and
Exercise |
usually have a pretty robust constitution, but you tend
not only to hate cold weather but also to suffer slightly
from poor circulation. You usually walk tall, and that is
very goof for you. But your spine can give you a certain
amount of trouble. You may suffer from back pain, for
example, if you have to spend many hours at a desk, and
yoga or simple stretching routines are excellent
You will
also enjoy team sports, provided you manage to get
yourself elected captain. When you are, watch out that you
don’t overdo things. You will naturally want to show
everyone that can lead to pains and strains. Once you have
found a form of exercise that you enjoy, you will probably
stick to it well into your 90s. You will get to know your
body really well and learn to channel your energy better
and learn to channel your energy better and pace yourself.
Try to avoid showing off at the gym. Such behavior won’t
win you any popularity contests – and you may end up
The heart
is ruled by Leo, and you should exercise regularly to keep
it in good condition. This also helps the circulation.
Most Leos love dancing, and a good dance class is an
excellent form of exercise for you – partly because it’s a
form of creative exercise, unlike jogging or stepping on
and off a platform. |
Leisure and Retirement |
Leos, it
is sometimes said, don’t have hobbies – they just have
careers. And that is more or less true. In fact, it is
difficult to suggest particular activities which will
interest you in your spare time or when you retire. For
example, if you study archaeology or embroidery in your
spare time, you’ll search out the very best teacher,
attend the most important digs, buy the most expensive
silks. And you will strive to achieve the most complete
and dazzling techniques – whether restoring the most
delicate and damaged ancient Greek vase or stitching the
most beautiful bishop’s miter ever embroidered!
problem, if you want to call it a “problem,” is that you
tend to regard pursuing a hobby as just as important as
earning a living – and you will want to be equally
successful. |