Virgo |
(August 24 –
September 22) |
Analytical, critical,
fastidious, modest |
Mercury |
Feminine |
Earth |
Mutable |
Nervous system, stomach,
intestines |
Brazil, Crete, Greece, Iraq, Mesopotamia, Turkey,
Virgin islands, Yugoslavia |
Athens, Boston, Corinth, Heidelberg, Jerusalem, Lyons,
Paris, Reading; spas and health resorts |
Sardonyx |
Brown, dark gray, navy
blue |
All nut-bearing trees |
Those ruled by Gemini,
particularly blue and yellow flowers |
ruled by Gemini; vegetables grown under the ground,
especially carrots and potatoes |
The Person |
Virgoans are modest,
self-effacing, hardworking, and practical on the surface,
but are often earthy, warm, and loving beneath that
surface, as befits their zodiac symbol, the Virgin , a
composite figure of ancient goddesses of the earth and the
harvest. Quick thinking and analytical, Virgoans have so
much excess mental energy that they often are subject to
stress and tension. Their penchants for perfection and
hard work also incline them toward being overcritical at
times. The planet mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Virgoans
are excellent and persuasive communicators who use their
keen intellects to win arguments and win over people. |
Love |
It is no
winder dating feels like work for Virgo. Saturn the
taskmaster guides your romances- and raises your already
high standards – so finding a sweetheart is truly a labor
of love! you have definite opinions of what you want in a
lover, but try to avoid the “my way is the only way”
attitude of Capricorn, Saturn’s sign. Go out with a
variety of people and keep an open mind. The world would
be a dull place if everyone thought, dressed and acted
are critical by nature- it goes with your detail-oriented,
discriminating mind. But tolerance and good humor will get
you further in your search for romance than nitpicking
your dates’ flaws. There is a big difference between
habits you can’t handle, like bad manners or a temper, and
ones you can live with, like occasional tardiness or iffy
fashion sense. After all, you can always set a
sweetheart’s watch 10 minutes head or help buy his or her
Do keep
your high standards and maintain your self-reliance so
that you never go out with someone just to avoid a
dateless Saturday night. Between relationships, take a
class, enjoy cultural activities, or pursue a new form of
recreation. Not only will these activities occupy your
time and attention, but also they’ll make you a more
interesting companion. Who knows? You might meet the love
of your life in a class, at a concert or at the gym!
someone special, praise your sweetheart every day, and
working on your own flaws. If your honey adopts a similar
attitude, your love life will be more pleasant then you
ever dreamed.
really must get over that Virgoan trait of paralyzing
self-criticism. Modesty is a very attractive quality – but
only up to a point! If you find yourself continually
exasperated with your lover, try to work out just why you
are feeling that way. It may have more to do with your own
attitudes and weaknesses than with your lover’s supposed
faults. |
Career |
Conscientious, detail-oriented Virgo is one of the most
valuated employees a boss could hope to have. But being
too good at the job you are hired for can limit your
chances to advance, so learn how to be more aggressive
about what you want. Your ruler Mercury gives you topnotch
communications skills. As a mutable earth sign, you are
practical and adaptable enough to succeed in many fields,
including writing, editing publishing, acting, radio and
television broadcasting, teaching, research, agriculture,
social work and psychology.
people need to take their work more seriously, but you may
need to lighten up. Since Mercury also guides your career
through Gemini, you identify strongly with what you do for
a living and can become depressed when you are stuck with
work you do not like. “Do what you love, and the money
will follow” is the best advice for a Virgo in a job rut.
To broaden your career horizons, make the most of your
organizational skills. Set goals and learn to delegate.
When you are campaigning for a promotion, start training
someone to take over your present duties. That way your
boss will see that someone is ready to step into your
If you
want to become indispensable- and earn more – develop
special skills that are in demand. Yours is a sign of
lifelong learning, so take courses to more marketable in
your field. Uranus, which rules your job routines through
Aquarius, makes you adaptable to the computer world.
Money |
may make more money, but few hold onto more of what they
earn than frugal Virgo. With lucky Venus guiding your
finances through Libra, you can gradually build a savings
account that allows you to live a long life in comfort.
Mercury’s influence is practical and logical. It prompts
you to shop only at sales – with coupons to deepen the
discounts. Venusian’s energy is creative and emotional. It
gives you a taste for luxuries, but also an eye for value
so you can enjoy the best things in life without paying
top dollar.
their differences, Mercury and Venus can be compatible
financial the true bargain in the midst of the overpriced
antiques, then haggle to save a few dollars more. They
motivate you to lead a no-frills life for years so you can
save up for a round-the-world cruise or the car of your
dreams. Mars, ruler of Aries, your sign of other people’s
money, makes you assertive in dealing with lenders. If you
can’t get the home you want at the price you want to pay,
you will walk away, then wait by the phone until the real
estate agent calls with a better offer. You believe there
will always be someone who’s willing to offer the deal you
want – and you are almost always right. Saturn rules your
speculative ventures through cautious Capricorn. This
isn’t a gambling sign, but it does bring you luck in the
lottery or while betting. With Saturn’s shrewdness and
Venus’ luck, you could win the jackpot! |
Health, Diet, and
Exercise |
You have
naturally high levels of physical and-nervous energy that
must be channeled properly. The problem is, if you don’t
have enough to think about, or you don’t have enough to
do, physical and emotional stagnation can set in and will
almost inevitable lead to health troubles. Your nervous
and physical energy must be positively managed: the first
by a satisfying intellectual life; the second by proper
attention to diet and exercise.
Virgoans will probably enjoy team sport and fast-moving
games, such as squash, tennis, and badminton. If you have
a light build you might enjoy gymnastics. More artistic
Virgoans find ballet classes more rewarding than aerobics.
Later life, golf may appeal to you. And gardening also can
provide excellent exercise. Whatever you choose, work out
a regular regimen and stick to it. But remember, you will
need some variation in your exercise routine to prevent
instance, you need a lot of roughage. That stagnation we
talked about earlier can also extend to your intestinal
tract, and you will find whole foods attractive and
satisfying for keeping everything moving. You may even
choose to be a vegetarian. And you need plenty of
exercise. Rather than going to an indoor gym, you may
prefer walking, jogging, or cycling. |
Leisure and Retirement |
are often far more involved with their pet hobbies than
with other people. In addition, virgoans also need a wide
variety of hobbies and leisure-time interests, and
leisure-time interests, and these should be a good mix of
both the physically challenging and the intellectually
stimulating. If you don’t have a garden – or space for a
garden – you can always work with potted plants. We can’t
guarantee success: Some of you have decidedly green
thumbs, and plants perk up and start smiling the moment
you come into the room; others of you seem to be the kiss
of death out anything that grows. You will find out, soon
enough, into which category you fall! And so will your
You will
probably be very good at any hobby that involves your
hands – sewing, quilting, embroidering, crocheting, and
knitting. You may also be a attracted to pottery making,
wood carving, and modeling in clay.
forget that you need at least one hobby to which you can
turn when you feel tension building up because of
excessive worry. This hobby needs to keep you physically
active, but it must also be relaxing. An obvious choice is
gardening, attracted to growing things; you may find this
the best of all possible hobbies.
remember that you have a tendency to cut corner and rush
for finish things too fast – which will leave you less
than happy with your final product. And you are your
harshest critic! |