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Taurus: The Bull

(April 21- May 21)



  Possessive, permanent












  Neck and throat; thyroid gland


  Capri, Cyprus, Egypt, Greek Islands, Iran, Ireland, Ischia, Switzerland



Bologna, Dublin, Eastbourne, Hastings, Leipzing, Lucerne, Mantua, Palermo, St. Louis




  Pale blue, green, and pink


  Almond, apple, ash, Cyprus, fig, pear, vine



Alder, artichoke, beans, brambles, cloves, columbine, daisy, elder, foxglove, marshmallow, mint, poppy, primula, rose, sorrel, violet


  Cereals, particularly wheat; apples, berries, grapes, pears; spices

The Person
Taurus and famed for their romanticism, reliability, and charm, and they are often reputed to be the most beautiful people among all the zodiac children. Warm, affectionate, and sincere, they inspire confidence and loyalty in those around them. Taurus has a great need for financial and personal security. They love luxury, comfort, and beautiful things- tendencies that can encourage an obsessive possessiveness on their part. Like the Bull who symbolizes their sign, Taurus are slow to ranger, but when aroused, they can be fearsome.


Taurus’ love life is like the weather. If you are not happy in it, it is sure to change for the better in a few days. Venus, your ruler and the universal partnership planet, changes signs every month, and Mercury, which guides your romances through Virgo, often circles the Zodiac, then re-enters several signs in the course of a year. And the Moon, which influences your communications through Cancer, changes signs every two to three days. If you don’t like the way your relationship is going, Venus and Mercury will bring a new love your way before you know it.

Your social life often seems like a revolving door, with friends and sweethearts coming and going all the time. But since your element is fixed earth, you benefit from all the activity. You can be so security-conscious that you sometimes dig a rut for yourself. Because Virgo’s earth is mutable, dating can be a valuable way to explore new ideas and adapt to new situations.

Although you feel deeply and can be a passionate lover, you are shy and often wait for others to make the first move. But with this excellent influence for romance, you will pursue your love interest with confidence.

Indeed, Taurus has the reputation of being the best looking of the 12 signs. When someone spots you across a crowed room, for instance, they will quickly find an excuse to get a little closer. And if they attract you, in turn they will seem to be on to a good thing. Jealousy may become a problem, too; not necessarily sexual jealousy, but your feeling that your lover is not completely yours. Watch it! Once your lover beings to feel hemmed in, claustrophobic, or “kept,” trouble will almost certainly follow.


Financial wizards, artists with business sense, entrepreneurs who turn trends into products people can’t live without- these are the roles Bulls play. Next to falling in love, going to work is the most exciting thing you will ever do. With your executive ability, artistic temperament and stubborn nature, you are not every employer’s dream. But you can be an inspiring leader and role model once you are in charge. Since few people are luck enough to star at the top, you’ll need your legendary Taurus patience while you are paying your dues. Uranus, which guides your work life through airy Aquarius, helps you stay focused on future goals.

Taurus is a wheeler and dealer who also love beauty and nature. Aquarius is a high-tech guru in tune with the mood of the masses. Tap the best of both influences and you will have an unbeatable combination for architecture, home building, banking, music, sculpture, fashion design, cooking, restaurant management, farming, nursery work or animal breeding.

If you do start up your business, think about a partnership- preferably with someone who’s not as traditional and unadventurous as you! It is important for Taurus not to let excellent business opportunities slip through their fingers simply because an element of risk may be involved. While you do find it difficult to take risks, you must learn to steel yourself for inevitable changes, keep an open mind, and be flexible.


Taurus is the sign of money and property. It is no accident that the stock market’s symbol of prosperity is the mighty Bull! Your conservative approach to money allows you to gradually build financial security. But Mercury guides your finances through carefree Gemini, so there are times when it pays to listen to the more adventurous Twins.

Gemini prompts you to gather information about ways to make your money grow by exploring electronic banking, trading Internet stocks, and other modern techniques, along with the more traditional approaches you usually favor. And it encourages you to take the occasional calculated risk by giving you a gambler’s luck as well. If you’d like to test the latter, place a bet or play the lottery. You will probably be a winner!

Health, Diet, and Exercise

Taurus, as we’ve pointed out, is alleged to be the sign of the most beautiful people, so you have the responsibility of keeping those good looks and that splendid figure which slay the rest of us. But this also is one of the signs that seem to encourage overeating. You probably love food- rich, sweet food, such as chocolate- and of course this can lead to weight problems.

If you do allow yourself to binge from time to time, a good exercise program is a must, as is a reasonable diet to which you can stick between those occasional five-course dinners.

You probably move well, and a regular dance class may appeal to you. At the gym, exercise machines won’t bore you as much as they do some folk; the very regularity of that kind of workout will suit you. And a good massage after exercise really will do you good, as will a relaxing sauna. The Taurus body area covers the neck and throat. As you know perfectly well, a cold will signal itself by a really sore throat. Remember that the Taurus gland is the thyroid. If you suddenly begin to put on weight and find it impossible to lose, it’ll be well worth checking that your thyroid is working efficiently.

Excess weight may also be a problem if, like many Taurus, you have both a slow metabolism and a disinclination to exercise. Think fruits and veggies! In the long run, sweet fruit is better than sugar; fiber better than cake.

Leisure and Retirement

As a patient Taurus you’ll cope well with hobbies and leisure activities that would bore the pants off most other Sun signs. You’ll be perfectly happy putting together an intricate model schooner with spider’s thread rigging, or embroidering a huge piece of petit point with 14 stitches to the inch!

Taurus also enjoys working with their hands and often make good sculptors or potters. They make excellent gardeners, too, with a special love for flowers. You’ll especially enjoy making your own wine or brewing your own beer, and your appreciation of fine food will make you an excellent cook, and in particular good with rich sauces and desserts. Where sports are concerned, when you are young you will enjoy competitive team games. Later in life, golfing or bowing may have a strong appeal.

Interestingly, although you maybe big and stocky enough to appear downright clumsy, you are nevertheless attracted to- and successful at- small, delicate tasks. And if you are musical, you’ll love being a member of a choir or operatic society.



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